maine cannabis test results

Catlab, LLC Educational Blog

Cannabis Testing 101: What You Need to Know About Cannabis Test Results

Cannabis testing is vital for both the cultivator and the consumer. Safety is always number one, but there are many reasons as to why cannabis testing is done and even required in most states. For instance, avid users could be looking for a specific terpene profile or potency.

Cannabis testing is a very analytical process. If you don’t come from a chemistry or science-related background, understanding some of the terminology, methods, and results might be hard to explain to the general consumer. This blog was written to be your guide on cannabis testing, helping you understand results, how to tell if weed is good, and why testing is so important for the industry.

Different Types of Cannabis Testing

Cannabis testing is a wide term. It is important for many reasons, whether it is required by law or done for quality control and customer satisfaction. At Catlab, LLC., we offer a multitude of services to ensure safety and regulatory compliance. Some of our testing services include:

  • Terpenes: Aromatic Compoundscannabis testing with CATLAB, LLC in Southern, ME

  • Water Activity and Moisture Content

  • The Potency and Uniformity of THC Including Cannabinoid Profiles

  • Filth and foreign matter include, but are not limited to, hair, insects, feces, mold, sand, soil, cinders, dirt, packaging contaminants, and production waste and byproducts.

  • Carcinogens including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg)

  • Harmful Microbes including: total viable aerobic bacteria, total coliforms, bile-tolerant gram (-) bacteria, enterobacteria, E. Coli (pathogenic strains), and Salmonella (spp.).

  • Dangerous molds and mildew: Total yeast and mold, as well as mycotoxins such as aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2) and ochratoxin A for any marijuana or marijuana product that is further processed following the failure of such test.

  • Residual solvents, poisons, and toxins include acetone, acetonitrile, butanes, ethanol, ethyl acetate, ethyl ether, heptanes, hexane, isopropyl alcohol, methanol, pentane, propane, toluene, xylenes, 1,2-dichloroethane, benzene, chloroform, ethylene oxide.

Test Results for the Cannabis Consumer

As a consumer, you are likely not familiar with the tests listed above. However, you might be familiar with these terms commonly found on cannabis packaging.

    • Total THC: This is arguably the most popular term consumers are looking for when they are reading a label of a cannabis product if they are looking for a psychoactive effect. The Total THC is maximum potential of THC in the product and is made up of Δ9     THC – Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (good old fashion THC) and Δ9 THCA – Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid ( raw THC). THCA is non-psychoactive  until it goes through the process of decarboxylation. That means you have to heat it in order to change its form from acid – thereby making it psychoactive. Thats why we smoke or bake cannabis to get these effects.

      what are good results for cannabis testing

  • CBD: Being the lead cannabinoid for medicinal use it will be helpful to better understand what your reading when you see this. Typically you will see a percentage or a milligram total listed on a product label. This indicates the total amount of “active” Cannabidiol (CBD) you have a potential of consuming. Much like THC and THCA there is CBD and CBDA. Again the A stands for acid, it is the raw form of its counterpart, and becomes active through heating it. Being non psychoactive you can expect a mellower experience if you find a product that has both CBD and THC, but with the CBD having the higher levels.

  • CBN: This may or may not be a familiar term in your local dispensaries. CBN stands for Cannabinol – which can be easily confused with the scientific term for CBD. Though they are closer in name and acronym, CBN is more like THC in that it does have psychoactive qualities. THCA breaks down as it ages. As it breaks down, it no longer is in raw acid form and it takes on a less potent psychoactive cannabinoid. Roughly 25% as effective as THC it results in more mild products but it is something to keep in mind if your looking to make a purchase to help you sleep but do not wish to experience any psycho-activity.

Let Catlab, LLC. Be Your Go-To For Premium Cannabis Testing in Maine

Catlab, LLC. strives to Maine’s most consistent and quality cannabis testing business. We are so proud to work with a number of cannabis businesses across the state who are working to bring you clean, quality cannabis — and the test results to back it up. Reach out today to work with our team to test your products, or visit our website to learn more about who we are and what we do!